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Autumn and Winter Home Decor Tips to Transform Your Bedroom for 2020

Autumn and Winter Home Decor Tips to Transform Your Bedroom for 2020

Can you believe that we are halfway through the year already? I certainly can’t. It feels like yesterday I was writing about home décor trends for 2020. However, with so much change in recent months, I have wondered whether interior design trends would change too.So, with the cooler months drawing closer, I’ve decided to look at the latest autumn home décor trends and what I expect to become popular in home design very soon. 

Making Home a Sanctuary

With the Coronavirus lockdown, we’ve all spent more time at home than ever before and it doesn’t seem like many of us will be travelling for a holiday anytime soon. As a result, there has been a surge in home improvements, and I think this quest to make home a sanctuary will continue throughout the rest of the year.If you’re thinking about improving your home, check out our post "How to Make Your Bedroom Look Like a Hotel Suite" for tips on how you can make your bedroom that little bit more soothing this autumn and winter.Personally, I love lots of fluffy blankets, a drink, and a great read to cuddle up with.Collage1 

Ensuring Practicality, As Well As Style

Beyond comfort and style, spending so much time at home has highlighted the importance of having a practical space for many people, with durability and low maintenance features being more important than ever.So, when it comes to autumn and winter home décor, consider purchasing scatter cushions with removable covers so they’re easy to wash, elasticated sheets for quick bed changes, and small double memory foam mattresses rather than cumbersome alternatives which limit available floorspace for your bed and bed frame. 

Exposing the Bare Bones

Laptop On White BeddingTerracotta is moving indoors this autumn and winter with exposed brick walls making a comeback in period and industrial homes. Ideal if you have a loft-style apartment or quaint cottage, the red hues of the brick warm up any bedroom, and the unfinished appearance softens any harsh lines. You could even mimic the look with brick effect wallpaper! 

Adopting a New Outlook on Brown and Green

Collage2When searching for autumn decorating ideas, look no further than the colours within nature. Autumn Winter 2020/2021 will see a rise in the popularity of caramel, cinnamon, and olive coloured bedrooms.Paired with organic materials and plenty of white and cream accents, this autumn bedroom décor trend provides a refreshing change to the soft greys we now see so often.I love how Mel at @my_grey_place has introduced cinnamon-coloured bedding into her room (bottom left), and adore Catherine and Adam’s lush green wall over at @house_number225 (top right). 

Adding Interest with Textile Art

White MacraméLast, but not least, macramé is here to stay. Well, a grown-up version is anyway.Textile wall art is set to be huge over the next few months! Think mixed media and plenty of string, for a bang up-to-date alternative to the classic over-bed art print.I love the idea of using textiles as a focal point and having a bedroom rug to sink my toes into each morning! 

What Are Your Favourite Autumn Home Décor Ideas?

Will you be making a bedroom sanctuary with exposed brick, green hues and textile art? Let us know which trends you’re loving, and hating, over on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. 

Hibernate comfortably through autumn and winter