Preparing For Delivery

So you've placed your Happy Beds order, and are waiting for the delivery of your new furniture, bed or mattress! But depending on the size of your item, there might be a few things that you need to do to prepare for the delivery. In this guide, we cover everything you need to know before your items are delivered to your door.

1. Check your address and contact details.
Ensure the following are correct:
- Your delivery address
- Phone number
- Any other contact details you provided
The delivery service may need to get in touch prior to the delivery if your item is running late or if there are any problems finding your address.

2. Measure up your space
Whip out the tape measure and size up your entryways, doors and hallways to ensure your item will fit into your home. Use the helpful dimensions provided on the item's product page on our website to double-check the measurements. If any obstructions will need to be moved, it is important that you do this before the time of your delivery.

3. Plan the route
Consider whether your front door or backdoor would provide the best access for the items you have ordered. If you need to use a lift for your delivery, please consider the door opening, as well as the width, depth and height of the inside of the lift. Be aware of handrails and light fittings and the amount of room available if needing to turn the item on a staircase.

4. Clear some space
You may need to move furniture that could be in the way on the route to your desired room. This protects the rest of your furniture, as well as providing the delivery team more space to manoeuvre, depending on the delivery option you have chosen. Consider moving anything that could cause a hazard while carrying a large item, such as rugs or floor lamps.
Please note, the delivery team will only deliver into your house if this is an option you have selected at the time of purchasing your item, or if this has been agreed with the courier service prior to the delivery.

5. Make home arrangements
Ensure that someone is home to accept the delivery during the estimated delivery date and time given. Once your item has been dispatched, you should receive a confirmation email or text providing the date and time of the delivery from the courier, depending on which courier service your item is with.
If you are not in to receive your delivery, or have not provided instructions at checkout for a safe place to leave your item, you may be charged for the redelivery.

6. Check your item
If your order is delivered as visibly damaged, incorrect or pieces are missing, please sign for it as 'damaged', 'wrong item sent' or 'parts missing' and refuse the delivery. If you sign for your order and discover any of the aforementioned issues after accepting the delivery, please report within 15 days from receiving goods.
In either case, please contact us so that we can work quickly to resolve any potential problems with your order.

7. Smart Assemble
Assemble your product as close to the location of where it will be going as possible. This will minimise any heavy lifting. If you have wooden floors, you may want to lay a blanket underneath the item whilst you assemble to avoid any scratches or marks on the product or floor. Study the instructions carefully before starting the assembly.