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6 Reasons You Should Have a Lie In at the Weekend

6 Reasons You Should Have a Lie In at the Weekend

You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn't enjoy a lie-in. The bed is where we begin and end our days, where most of us are most comfortable, and where we spend roughly a third of our lives. Beds are brilliant, and sleep is an imperative element of life; we should spend as much time as possible in bed.

The point is that we all love a lie-in. We know we do; we'd be writing this in bed right now if we could, and plenty of people and institutions attest to the benefits of lying in. We feel that it is vital for me to discuss these many advantages of spending as much time in bed.

7 reasons you should have a weekend lie-in

Woman reading in bed

1. Because your bed isn't just for sleeping in

Since our bed is so beautifully comfortable, there's little reason to leave it on a Saturday morning. If you don't need to let the dog out, go to work, care for a child, or any of that non-bed (and thus unimportant) related stuff, then why not linger under the linen and enjoy yourself?

No matter how you unwind after a long day or arduous work week, starting the weekend with a relaxing pastime will kick things off in style. Curl up under the covers with your latest read, or start your latest binge-watch on Netflix guilt-free – we can help make that even better with our range of TV beds. Have no reason other than you fancy more time in bed? Go for it!

Woman sleeping

2. Because it's important to start the weekend well

We're pretty sure that you'll agree that a ruined Saturday morning sets the tone for the weekend. Whether you've stayed up too late, partied too hard, or had to stay up with sick kids or pets – whatever the reasons, there's nothing worse than waking up on Saturday and feeling even more tired and grumpy than when you went to sleep.

So if Saturday is already bad, and you've just woken up, or you want to give your weekend the best start possible, why not have a lie-in? Sleep it off, give yourself a few hours and wake up feeling refreshed, or turn yourself into a burrito within your duvet.

Woman with child in bed

3. Because it serves as a great bonding experience

As wonderful as spending the morning snuggled up with a partner or just enjoying the bed to yourself, having a lie-in at the weekend can also be a great opportunity to cuddle with a pet or the kids. Have your kids come into the bedroom and start the weekend with a story, or watch an episode or two of Paw Patrol with them to get them happy for the day.

Woman laughing

4. Because there'll be no need to take a nap later

As surprising as it can be, even a life of leisure can be tiring, and many of us are sure to appreciate a nap at some point during the weekend. However, some of us will probably feel the need for a nap after a particularly long and tiring day, even if that day is filled with playing games or retail therapy.

That's why lying in can be essential for the weekend; a pre-emptive strike on fatigue can keep you feeling fresh throughout the day, leaving plenty of daylight to enjoy. Then again, why not put your hands together, lie in, and nap? It's your weekend, after all.

Xbox controller

5. Because you'll be able to make the most out of your evening

Speaking of conserving your energy, if you're making the most of staying in bed early, there's a good chance you'll be able to keep up throughout the night. This combines the best of two worlds; lying in all morning gives you plenty of energy for staying up and making the most of a Saturday night.

Some might say this can keep you drinking and dancing all night, but you could also have more time to read or study if you want to. Still, it's hard to deny that mixing up usual sleeping patterns during the weekend offers a much more relaxing alternative to the normal 'wake up for a 9 o'clock start'. Instead of getting up at seven, you can stir from bed at about 10, and in place of an early night, you stay up until you have to sleep.

Hands holding a stylised heart

6. Because it can be good for your health

Various studies have set out to warrant the refusal to wake up, with universities and hospitals worldwide conducting their own research. For example, a South Korean study found that those who lack sleep throughout the week yet catch up on the weekend can help to prevent sleep restriction or induced obesity. Not much, but it's something.

Another study showed that weekend catch-up sleep offers more health benefits than not doing it at all, whereas another study in Korea found that those who had a few hours of catch up sleep on the weekend had a decreased risk of depression compared to those who did not sleep extra. So we feel pretty good in saying that it looks like the science looks favourably on catch-up sleep!

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